* Middle East and Africa:
How to make cash in Africa’s coup belt
The battle for Khartoum
The long au revoir
Africa v big tech
Heading for a break up
Certifiably genocidal
Out with a whimper
When the oil stops
Getting away with murder
The perils of mixing business and politics
It can be beaten
The quest for legitimacy
The not-quite-peace deal (with Gisa Tunbridge)
Africa’s EV revolution has two wheels not four
How Wagner survived Yevgeny Prigozhin’s death
Looking for trouble
Shooting elephants
Building an African multinational
Daylight robbery
How trading in war-torn Sudan surives—just
Beyond belt and road
An intensifying calamity
Ethiopia is in the midst of a kidnapping epidemic 
Africa’s new railway age
The new nationalists
Sunk costs
Shooting for the hoops
Last stand in Darfur
Deeper into hell
Democratic triumph
The virtual mining boom
Foreign fields
Solving Sudan
Milestone in Mogadishu
The forgotten war (with John McDermott)
Ports in a storm
Africa’s Aleppo
Sliding towards another war
Will the villains be brought to justice? (with Claire Wilmot)
Genocide threatens Darfur again
The worse of two bad men
The risk of contagion
The ravaging of Khartoum
Sliding towards civil war
La résistance
A fragile peace
The heavy cost of the coup
Stopping the killing
Rise of the clans
Dashed hope
Why has Ethiopia’s ceasefire failed?
Falling apart
Make me a city
Better luck this time
Issais’s army
Back into the shadows
Horror heaped on horror
The road not taken
Why Eritrea is backing Russian aggression in Ukraine
Older and less wise
Happy Christmas, war is over?
Back to the mountains
Coup de grâce
The battle for Addis
The generals strike back
Bodies in the fields
Abiy against the world
Down from the mountains
Unlikely bedfellows
The most dangerous place in the Horn
Defeat in the mountains
Abiy’s coronation
Master of the Horn?
Blowing in the wind
Guns, terms and stealing power
Murder in the mountains
War and hunger
The widening war
The World in 2021: Ethiopia
Victory, defeat and confusion
Tigray raises the stakes
Abiy’s call to arms
Ethiopia’s transition is in peril
Urban brawl
A musician’s murder sparks mayhem in Ethiopia
Democracy delayed
Dummy farms
Abiy’s war
Inching towards peace
It’s all in your head
Mercy for the mighty
All jammed up
Sudan’s revolution could end the conflict in Darfur
Unravelling the tapestry
The clash of nationalisms
Assessing Abiy Ahmed, winner of the Nobel Peace Prize
Lessons from an open-air prison
All bets are on
The southern problem
A gulag state totters
A partial victory for protester
Stalemate (with Justin Lynch)
Abiy’s fragile revolution
Crisis in Khartoum (with Justin Lynch)
Sudan’s Tiananmen? (with Nicholas Pelham)
Democracy and repression
After the coup
The People vs Bashir (with Jonathan Rosenthal)
Dying days for the dictatorship?
What self-help lending says about Ethiopian banking
Why Ethiopia has postponed its census
Ink by the barrel in Addis Ababa
A last roll of the dice
Why are Gulf countries so interested in the Horn of Africa? (The Economist explains)
“We are all Darfur”
War and fees
A colourful revolution (with Jonathan Rosenthal)
God will make you prosper
Hope for the Horn
Africa needs a green revolution
Abiy’s law
Prison Break
Growing up too early (with Will Brown)
Why Eritrea is called Africa's North Korea (The Economist explains)
A glimmer of light in a prison state
Stopping the flow of arms into South Sudan
In deep water
How Eritrea and Ethiopia made peace (The Economist explains)
An unexpected peace
How Ethiopia is building a social safety-net
Could they make peace?
Enter a new hope
With nobody in charge, Ethiopia declares a state of emergency
Ethiopia’s prime minister resigns. Now to find a successor
How the international community has failed South Sudan (The Economist explains)
Danger, camels crossing
Ethiopia’s regime flirts with letting dissidents speak without locking them up
Why Ethiopians are nostalgic for a murderous Marxist regime
Although persecuted, Sudan’s Christian population is growing
Why Somaliland is East Africa's strongest democracy (The Economist explains)
Sudan’s economy is in trouble, even without sanctions
Why America has lifted sanctions on Sudan (The Economist explains)
Ethiopia’s ethnic federalism is being tested
Ethiopia is struggling to make housing affordable
Why "affordable housing" in Africa is rarely affordable (The Economist explains)
Closing African orphanages may be less heartless than it seems
Why so many African presidents are ditching term limits (The Economist explains)
Donald Trump ducks a decision on sanctions on Khartoum
Africa is Islamic banking's new frontier
Ethiopia's ingenious video pirates
The hard life of a Somali shepherd
Ethiopia enters its seventh month of emergency rule
Why Somali piracy is staging a comeback (The Economist explains)
Encouraging African entrepreneurship
Why Ethiopia is building a space programme 
African football has a new boss
Businesses are being forced to move into designated properties 
Ethiopia’s state-of-the-art commodity exchange
Ethiopia opens Africa’s tallest and most controversial dam
New television channels in Ethiopia may threaten state control
A boom in qat in Ethiopia and Kenya
Why Uganda is a model for dealing with refugees (The Economist explains)
Ethiopia cracks down on protest
Why one national airline is bucking a continent-wide trend
Ethiopia's football follies
The trials of running universities in Sierra Leone 
Why students in Africa are protesting (The Economist explains)
A new push to legalise early abortions in Sierra Leone
A French-African quarrel with the former coloniser
The Gambia fashions itself as a kind of Islamic state
Why Burkina Faso has so many coups (The Economist explains)
Burkina Faso avoids violence as it votes for change
Why Burkina Faso's coup failed
Another African president tries to change the rules
Why Somaliland is not a recognised state (The Economist explains)

* Culture:
What the communists left in Africa: “Red Africa” at the Calvert 22 Foundation
Review: David Bowie’s final album, “Blackstar”
Another lucrative show from the World’s Greatest Rock & Roll Band
Architecture in Eritrea: Modernist masterpieces in unlikely Asmara
Gospel truths: A symbolic struggle over ancient manuscripts
Wax and gold: Satire is flourishing in Ethiopia
History wars
Faya Dayi evokes what it means to be young in Ethiopia

* Books:
Jaw-jaw, war-war
Review of The Addis Ababa Massacre: Italy’s National Shame by Ian Campbell
Review of The Storied City by Charlie English 
Review of The Long Weekend: Life in the English Country House by Adrian Tinniswood
Review of The Voyeur's Motel by Gay Talese
Review of The House of the Dead: Siberian Exile Under the Tsars by Daniel Beer
Review of Spies in the Congo: America’s Atomic Mission in World War II by Susan Williams
Review of Strangers in Their Own Land by Arlie Russell Hochschild
Review of Ebola: How a People’s Science Helped End an Epidemic by Paul Richards

* Britain:
Portsmouth's shipyard: two years after losing its shipbuilding industry, the city depends on navy
Why Britain is copying America's "metro mayors" (The Economist explains)

* Other:
Inside Eritrea


Ethiopians adjust to life in Africa's most ambitious social housing project
Beneath the surface of Uganda's 'exemplary' refugee settlement, tensions simmer
Ethiopian women face new threat of human trafficking as economic gains slow to trickle down
Recycling army in Ethiopian capital fear livelihoods at risk as city modernises
In Rwanda, red cross spells demolition
No work means Ethiopia is no home for refugees
Can a failed Rwandan housing project offer lessons for the future?
Multi-million dollar deal for Somaliland's historic port sparks land rush
Ethiopia's deadly rubbish dump landslide sparks landrights battle
Trafficked into slavery: The dark side of Addis Ababa's growth
Demolitions gather pace in the heart of the Ethiopian capital
Despite abuses, expelled Ethiopians hope to be smuggled back to Saudi Arabia
Does a struggling Ethiopian model town offer lessons for the future?
Calls to end Africa's 'horrific' land deals after Indian firm's fallout
Expansion of Ethiopia’s first industrial park reopens old wounds
Driven away by conflict, thousands of Ethiopians stranded without a home
Competition over land squeezes Ethiopia's coffee farmers
'Better to kill us': Ethiopian residents fear evictions from satellite towns


The Rehabilitation of Africa’s Most Isolated Dictatorship 
Ethiopia's Great Rift
Abiy Ahmed Is Not a Populist 
Will Abiy Ahmed’s bet on Ethiopia’s political pay off?
Political violence could derail Ethiopia’s democratic transition
Is Ethiopia headed for civil war?
All is not quiet on Ethiopia’s western front

The Atlantic

The Ethiopian Christians Who Live-Stream Mass Exorcisms
Ethiopia’s Economy Is Booming, but at What Cost?


Uneasy peace and simmering conflict: the Ethiopian town where three flags fly 
Teddy Afro, Ethiopia's biggest pop star
Diane Rwigara, fierce critic of the Rwandan president
'Loudspeaker for the youth': Sudan tunes in to a new wavelength as sanctions lift
'We fear for our lives': how rumours over sugar saw Ethiopian troops kill 10 people
'Addis has run out of space': Ethiopia's radical redesign
'Freedom!': the mysterious movement that brought Ethiopia to a standstill
Deadly journeys: how despair drives young Ethiopians to flee to Yemen
In Ethiopia’s bushlands, promised riches of a railway boom turn to dust
Claims of 'non-stop cycle of torture' involving top officials in Ethiopian jail
Jawar Mohammed's red-carpet return signals Ethiopia's political sea change
'Asmara is a jewel': but can Eritrea's modernising capital retain its charm?
Everyday memories of Addis Ababa – a photo essay
'Abiy Ahmed is our miracle': Ethiopia's democratic awakening – with Charlie Rosser
Ethiopia to Mauritius: how will Africa match jobs to its population boom? – with Peter Beaumont
'I was euphoric': Eritrea's joy becomes Ethiopia's burden amid huge exodus
Homeless children struggle to survive on the streets of Ethiopia's capital
Shadow falls over Ethiopia reforms as warnings of crisis go unheeded
Europe accused of financing Eritrean project based on 'forced labour'
'Go and we die, stay and we starve': the Ethiopians facing a deadly dilemma
State projects leave tens of thousands of lives in the balance in Ethiopia – study
Ethiopians face beatings and bullets as Saudi ‘deportation machine’ cranks up
Last wolves in Africa: the fragile wildlife of Ethiopia's ravaged parks
'This is Dubai now': Nobel-winning PM's plan to transform Addis Ababa
The mysterious sickness bringing death and dismay to Eastern Ethiopia
Suspicion and fear linger as Ethiopia’s campus wars go quiet
Ethiopia's security forces accused of torture, evictions and killings – report
How a musician’s death unleashed violence and death
How war threatens Ethiopia's struggle against worst locust swarm in 25 years
‘Slaughtered like chickens’: Eritrea heavily involved in Tigray conflict
'No way they'll back out': tensions rise amid Ethiopia opposition hunger strike
‘We have to prepare’: Tigray’s neighbours on war footing as peace remains elusive
‘Before they were our brothers. Now I want revenge’: Tigray conflict engulfs neighbouring state
‘Trying to survive’: millions in Tigray face hunger as they wait in vain for aid
‘I’m a human being, not a monster’: the al-Shabaab defector turned government minister
‘I’m scared to think what Ethiopia will become’: Tigray war refugees fear return with Claire Wilmot
Inside Villa Somalia
From Nobel peace prize to civil war: how Ethiopia’s leader beguiled the world

Foreign Affairs

Kagame's Unrivalled Power


Eritrea’s picturesque capital is now a World Heritage site and could help bring it in from the cold
Ethiopia's remarkable education statistics mask a system in crisis
Interview with Christine Lagarde, managing director of the IMF
Ethiopia’s tense ethnic federalism is being tested again
Ethiopia's government is cracking down on the country's biggest pop star
Ethiopians are having a tense debate over who really owns Addis Ababa
Ethiopia’s ‘Ubers’ are working with little internet, few smartphones and no funding

World Politics Review

How Abiy’s Effort to Redefine Ethiopia Led to War in Tigray


A quiet revolution


Young, Gifted and Black
A Painful Lesson in Ethiopia
Lost in militialand
I was a war reporter in Ethiopia. Then I became the enemy
One man’s journey from entrepreneur to militant


Is Britain facing a crisis of loneliness among the old? 
How can the Green Party succeed in the age of Jeremy Corbyn? 


Clashes threaten Ethiopia's delicate ethnic balance


Fourah Bay College: The Decline of Sierra Leone’s “Oxford in the Bush”
Miners Shot Down: Blood on Whose Hands?

The New Humanitarian

Ethiopia’s neglected crisis
The young Ethiopians working for peace
Sudan’s revolution runs aground in Darfur
Exclusive: health woes, outrage, and toxins near Ethiopia gold mine

Huffington Post

The Biggest Cause Of Preventable Blindness Just Won’t Go Away
Where Shoes Are A Luxury, A Nightmarish Disease May Be Lurking

Next City

How Ethiopia’s New Railway Could Launch an Inclusive Urban Boom

The Africa Report

Ethiopia's revolution at the top
Ethiopia's leadership race: the Oromo leader at the front
Ethiopia strives for better signal
Spotlight on Abiy Ahmed
The Somali Strongman
The quest for fertile ground
Opening up: how far and how fast?
The state goes to market
Interview: Tewolde Gebremarian, CEO, Ethiopian Airlines
Landlocked Blues: Ethiopia opens up its budding logistics sector
GreenPath taps into Ethiopia’s burgeoning organic farming market
Abiy Ahmed and the struggle to keep Ethiopia together
Ethiopia’s new rift: Abiy vs Amhara
Four scenarios for the Tigray conflict


Peace, at last (clipping on request)

Institute of International Strategic Studies

Ethiopia’s factional politics

Published Articles

* For selected highlights, click *here
Organised below by publication, updated as of February 2025